What is Neuropsychology?
Neuropsychologists assess the strengths and weaknesses associated with a person's brain functioning, which can affect our thinking, emotions, and behaviour. Working with a Neuropsychologist through assessment and/or rehabilitation can help you understand your cognitive abilities and weaknesses. A Neuropsychologist can offer recommendations for diagnosis, support, and ways to improve your day to day functioning.
A person may work with a Neuropsychologist if they notice new or long term differences in their memory, thinking, or behaviour. People may also visit a Neuropsychologist if they are healthy but want to better understand their intellectual and cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
We take an integrated approach to neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation, considering a range of factors that influence a person's functioning. We are happy to work with people to help them answer a wide range of questions they might have about their functioning.
Examples of when you might visit or be referred to a Neuropsychologist:
* You have had a brain injury and need to understand what things are affecting your functioning. This includes physical, cognitive, and psychological changes.
* You have noticed differences in your thinking and behaviour for a long time and want to understand what factors, including brain differences, might be contributing to that (e.g., Autism, ADHD).
* You have noticed changes in your memory, thinking, or behaviour, and want to rule out or track the progress of a brain-based condition like a progressive dementia.
* You have experienced an injury or illness that has changed your brain functioning and want to understand how that affects your ability to take part in life roles like work and leisure activities.
* Your employee is experiencing challenges at work, and you want to assist them to understand what factors (including neurological differences) might be contributing to challenges and how to support them.
* You need to assist someone you care for to access a capacity assessment for welfare and/or property guardianship.
* You are curious about your intellectual and cognitive functioning and want to understand your profile of strengths and weaknesses.
* You are healthy but want to understand your current cognitive abilities so you can track change over time.
* You have been charged with a criminal offence and your lawyer wants to understand how brain differences and other factors might have contributed to your behaviour and your ability to participate in legal processes.